
Creative Entertainer Captivating Charismatic Dramatic Generous Positive Responsive

Every person is unique with a different set of experiences, skills and ambitions.

Research shows there are four core personality types each with four sub-types. While a person’s experiences, skills and ambitions change over time, personality is remarkably stable.

Learning about your personality will help you understand your needs and preferences.

This will enable you to make choices which enhance your level of career satisfaction.

Creatives make up about 30% of the global population. There are four types of Creatives: Synthesizers, Artisans, Persuaders, and Entertainers. Creatives love to have fun. They plan for the future, but they live life in the present moment.

Creative types share a number of characteristics. They are bold, spontaneous, unconventional, and risk-taking. They seek stimulation, prize the freedom to do what they want, and they are generally grounded.

In their professional lives, Creatives excel at mastering new skills, particularly those involving tools or instruments. They have a bias for action, are practical and willing to take risks.  This makes them highly effective entrepreneurs and problem solvers.

Are you

Assured or Excitable?


Creative Entertainers make up about 8% of the population.  Charming, attractive and spontaneous, Entertainers revel in attention and make life feel like a party. Chatty and engaging, they like to perform to a crowd and live life to the full. They give their time and energy freely to encourage and support others. They readily build a wide network of friends.

Entertainers are flamboyant, confident, and enjoy exploring new styles in a variety of areas. They have hedonistic tendencies and focus on having fun now over planning for the future. They may express their personality and mood by updating their look or their home decor.  Entertainers focus on quality products and experiences. They are also very generous with people and causes they care about. As a result, Entertainers may struggle to save or invest.

Entertainers are observant and sensitive to the needs of those around them. They will readily provide a sympathetic ear and practical suggestions to help. However, when it comes to their own problems, they tend to bury their heads in the sand rather than confronting reality head on.

An Entertainer’s biggest challenge is long term planning. They are easily bored and tend to neglect tedious but essential tasks. Entertainers tend to be too busy enjoying the present to pay much attention to building security for the future. They may fail to study for a career or save for a house or retirement. These tendencies may hinder Entertainers from fulfilling their potential.

Key Strengths


Entertainers seek new experiences and connections and go outside their comfort zone to experience them.


Entertainers like to be noticed. They play with styles and looks to express their personality and grab people's attention.


Entertainers are witty, engaging, charming and happily play to the crowd. People enjoy their sense of fun and their ability to turn even mundane situations into a party. Entertainers readily draw people in.


Entertainers focus on current reality rather than hypothetical situations. They make the best of the circumstances they experience. Entertainers are more interested in actions than promises.


Entertainers are aware of what is going on around them based on their focus on the present and their position at the center of attention. They are empathetic and invest time and energy to help others.


Entertainers are great with people and people love them back. Entertainers are kind, entertaining and encouraging. They love the company of others and can always find something to talk about.

Key Areas for Growth


Entertainers experience strong emotions and can be highly sensitive to criticism. They can struggle to bounce back when hurt, making it difficult for them to move on.

Conflict Avoidant

Entertainers prefer to focus on the positive things in life and may be reluctant to confront their own difficulties. They avoid difficult conversations or minimize tough topics in order to preserve relationships.


Entertainers are easily bored and will tend to prioritize fun over routine or tedious tasks. They may engage in risky or self-indulgent behavior to keep themselves amused.

Short-Term Focus

Entertainers savor the present and do better in subjects that are dynamic rather than those that are heavily fact or rule based. Because they are optimistic and tend to ignore difficult topics, they are likely to be poor planners. Entertainers may fail to make provision for the future in favor of having a good time now.

Work Style

Creative Entertainers love the social aspects of the workplace and work best in an environment which is friendly and relaxed. They will thrive as part of a busy team, with a varied and challenging workload. An Entertainer’s power of observation will help them find solutions to a range of problems. This is especially true if the problems relate to people. Entertainers can think on their feet and are good at inspiring people to work together on group projects.

Entertainers find change exciting. They enjoy brainstorming and experiment with new techniques and work methods. Entertainers are happy to provide feedback on the practicality of an idea but can be sensitive to criticism themselves. They may close down or ignore information even if the criticism is constructive. This can be detrimental to an Entertainer’s ability to improve. Using techniques to reframe critical input can help some Entertainers respond positively, maintain relationships, and develop their skills.

Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.

Steven Hawking

Entertainers are likely to struggle to maintain their focus and energy if they need to perform routine tasks, plan or work alone. They may put off essential but tedious tasks in favor of activities that they enjoy more. Entertainers need to be careful not to gain a reputation for failing to pull their weight or for being unreliable. They can break down tasks into smaller chunks and reward themselves for completing milestones to be more productive. Some Entertainers can benefit by strengthening their planning and time management skills. They can also improve by using hacks to break projects down and tackle them bit by bit. This will enable them to drive results and execute more complex projects with greater consistency and reliability.

Entertainers need to take care to ensure their sociable nature does not affect their reputation and efficiency. Their love of fun may mean that they are not taken seriously. Entertainers may also be prone to wasting time with unnecessary chat. Equally, their busy social life outside work may have a negative impact on their performance and productivity. Entertainers may need to temper these tendencies if they are serious about career progress.

Interpersonal Style

Creative Entertainers can talk to anyone and will always find some topic of conversation to make them feel at ease. They build team cohesion by encouraging others to get to know each other better. By encouraging informality and harmony, Entertainers make the workplace more relaxed and enjoyable. They are happy to organize social events outside work to strengthen relationships.

Entertainers also connect with people on a deeper level. They are sensitive to the mood and feelings of others and are supportive of their colleagues. Entertainers are generous with their time and emotions and are good listeners. Others appreciate their innate kindness.

Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.

Helen Keller

Entertainers are expressive and spontaneous verbal communicators who enjoy the spotlight. Entertainers enjoy representing their organizations. They relish opportunities to host clients, give presentations or other forms of public speaking. An Entertainer’s flair and sense of drama add to the occasion and help get the message across. Because they enjoy center stage, some Entertainers can be perceived as missing opportunities to listen to others.  Highly effective Entertainers use basic questioning and listening techniques to create greater balance in their interactions. This enables them to get the most out of conversations and preserve relationships.

All these factors make them highly persuasive. Entertainers get along with most people and excel in roles which involve building relationships and helping customers. They are also good in a crisis, able to think on their feet and readily smoothing over social and interpersonal problems.

Leadership Style

Creative Entertainers like to feel needed and will enjoy this aspect of leadership more than status or authority. They create enjoyable and relaxed environments where the team collaborates to resolve problems. Entertainers are energetic themselves and want to see high levels of energy in members of their team. Celebrating successes and giving recognition is second nature to them and helps them maintain team morale.

When managing others, Entertainers tend to provide information without specifically delegating tasks. They expect people to pick up on their meaning and get on with the job with enthusiasm. Some personality types may struggle, needing more concrete direction or strategic rationale. Learning how to delegate to routine and important tasks to different personality types could help some Entertainer leaders maximize their impact with their whole team.Adapting to the supervision needs of other personality types can help some Entertainer leaders provide better direction to all their people. It can also increase individual satisfaction and overall team performance.

An Entertainer’s empathetic nature means that members of their team will turn to them if they have a problem, either work related or personal. They will be generous with their time and energy in helping them to solve it. Entertainers are happy to give corrective feedback and will always listen to the other person’s perspective.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

John Adams, 2nd President of the U.S.

An Entertainer’s strengths lie in managing and reacting to current events and handling crises. Some Entertainers find it challenging to develop strategic plans.  They may lack the perspective to pull together elements into a coherent plan for the future.  Similarly, Entertainers may try to simplify things too much by focusing on tactics. The most effective Entertainers counter this tendency by using techniques to expand their perspective, anticipating key trends, and frame actions in the context of a broader vision of the future.

The same skills which enable Entertainers to respond quickly in the present inhibit some from delivering longer term objectives. Projects which need greater future focus and long-term planning can pose a challenge. Many Entertainers can improve their performance by leveraging tools to turn strategy into action plans and tactics. They can augment these tactics withsimple hacks to drive execution with their teams. This way, they are able to deliver longer term projects or initiatives.

Entertainers find change exciting and are able to think on their feet. Entertainer leaders involve their team in solving problems. They are also good at the managing the impact of organization change on people. However, Entertainers tend to be bored by planning, project management and the detail of monitoring project execution. Entertainer leaders can improve by balancing their focus on short- and long-term project goals to sustain momentum. They can also practice hacks to help them follow-up on key tasks to drive accountability.

Entertainer leaders are popular with their peers and develop strong networks. They manage customer relationships well and give engaging presentations which strengthens their reputation. However, their tendency to find the fun in most things may mean that they are not taken seriously, and they might be underestimated as a result. Controlling this inclination could help some Entertainers ensure they maintain a positive personal brand and progress their career.

Career Preferences

Creative Entertainers love to delight others with their charm, kindness, wit, and well-developed talents. They often are skilled in the performing arts. Entertainers are exciting to be around in nearly any setting, whether at home, work, or at play.

Entertainers are happiest working with other people. They are optimistic, emotionally engaging and strong communicators. Entertainers are often found in roles in customer relations, sales, event management, and hospitality. Alternatively, they can use their empathy, kindness and desire to help others in coaching, social work, training or nursing. An Entertainer’s motivation to help others overcome challenges and achieve their goals make them excel in these roles.

An Entertainer’s flair, sense of style and desire to be noticed lends itself well to a wide range of creative endeavors. Examples include photography and painting, interior design and retail fashion.

I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse.

Florence Nightingale

Acting is also an obvious choice which taps their comfort on stage and ability to express deep emotional states. Entertainers simply enjoy the freedom to express themselves and make other people happy.

Entertainers crave the opportunity to bring a sense of energy and fun to what they are doing. They will be happiest in non-conventional roles and environments that don’t require an excessive amount of routine work. Entertainers need variety, autonomy and spontaneity to keep motivated. Entertainers appreciate informal work environments that reward their unique contributions rather than their role.

Entertainers like to socialize at work and tend to avoid repetitive or tedious work. Entertainer’s expressiveness can be misinterpreted by others and occasionally viewed as distracting or disruptive. Organizations that demand strict compliance with rules and procedures or lots of internal competition will not be a good fit. Over time, such environments may be harmful to their health and wellbeing.

Entertainers are charming, kind, and expressive.  They love to have fun and to entertain others.  They are great at problem solving, especially when it comes to people problems. They are highly skilled at getting people to collaborate and are an essential part of the heart and soul of any organization.

Growth Areas for Entertainers

Too often, we leave our growth to random chance. That can be frustrating because we can’t always grow as fast as we want (or need) to! While experience can be a great teacher, there is no substitute for learning proven strategies to maximize our potential.

Creative Entertainers have tremendous capabilities. They also share some common challenges.  Possible areas for growth for Entertainers include:

PE-Composure 3 (Orange Thin 400)


Keep your cool in stressful situations

DR-Delegation 2 (Green 400)


Strengthen your ability to deliver results through others

DR-Leading Execution 2 (Green 400)

Leading Execution

Set up people and teams to drive accountability and achieve measurable results

WO-Listening 3 (Purple 400)


Understand people accurately, appreciate alternate viewpoints and encourage honest, two-way communication

DR-Planning 2 (Green 400)


Look ahead to accomplish your critical goals more efficiently

DR-Project Management 1 (Green 400)

Project Management

Deliver critical project outcomes on time and on budget​

WO-Responding to Feedback (Purple 400)

Responding to Feedback

Learn from feedback to strengthen your performance and effectiveness

TB-Strategic Thinking 2 (Blue 400)

Strategic Thinking

Establish a bold vision for the future and create clear plans to achieve it

DR-Time Management (Green 400)

Time Management

Allocate your time and effort efficiently to boost your productivity

Notable Entertainers

Bill Clinton

US President

Julia Child


Steven Spielberg


Dolly Parton

Recording Artist & Entrepreneur

Richard Branson

Founder, Virgin

Serena Williams


Level up your career.
Live your best life.