
Creative Synthesizer Sensuous Engrossed Private Motivated Free Spirited Kind

Every person is unique with a different set of experiences, skills and ambitions.

Research shows there are four core personality types each with four sub-types. While a person’s experiences, skills and ambitions change over time, personality is remarkably stable.

Learning about your personality will help you understand your needs and preferences.

This will enable you to make choices which enhance your level of career satisfaction.

Creatives make up about 30% of the global population. There are four types of Creatives: Synthesizers, Artisans, Persuaders, and Entertainers. Creatives love to have fun. They plan for the future, but they live life in the present moment.

Creative types share a number of characteristics. They are bold, spontaneous, unconventional, and risk-taking. They seek stimulation, prize the freedom to do what they want, and they are generally grounded.

In their professional lives, Creatives excel at mastering new skills, particularly those involving tools or instruments. They have a bias for action, are practical and willing to take risks.  This makes them highly effective entrepreneurs and problem solvers.

Are you

Assured or Excitable?


Creative Synthesizers make up about 7% of the population. Synthesizers are artists in the traditional sense of the word. They feel, explore and identify patterns in color, texture, sound, taste and smell in the world around them and are highly creative in a range of artistic endeavors. Highly dedicated to their process, a Synthesizer will work long hours to generate a masterpiece. They take pride in their work and will rarely leave a project incomplete or less than perfect.

Synthesizers tend to be kind and sensitive to other people’s feelings and demonstrate their empathy more by actions than words. Synthesizers value harmony, and as they tend to live in the moment, will quickly get over an argument if tempers get frayed. Additionally, they are generally reserved, and it may take others quite a while to get to know them as they often need time on their own to think and to restore their energy.

More than anything else, they want the freedom to explore, develop new skills and to apply what they have learned to solve interesting challenges. Synthesizers like to achieve concrete results and enjoy identifying opportunities that others have not seen.

Synthesizers are inspired by their senses. They also thrive on creating connections with people and ideas.  Synthesizers will often translate what they find into new and exciting creative expressions. 

Of all types, Synthesizers are the most likely to take risks in thrill seeking sports or other endeavors. This innate lust for life imbues their days with a sense of adventure and helps them build fast connections with others.

Key Strengths


Innately sensitivity to the world around them, Synthesizers connect emotionally with others through their work. This can take many forms, from sharing ideas and concepts, music, visual art, or business presentations.


Synthesizers are ever curious and want to see and experience things firsthand. Disciplined and motivated, they engage and experiment with creative areas of interest until they master them.


Synthesizers are kind and have a non-judgmental attitude. Their ability to live in the moment means that they are warm and relaxing to be with. As a result, Synthesizers maintain harmonious with the world around them.


Sythesizers are good listeners and are sympathetic. Their empathy for others helps them to reduce conflict with those around them. Synthesizers express this support more through actions than through words.


Although they may not show it, Synthesizers feel things very deeply. When they are absorbed in a project, they will work tirelessly until the work is near perfect.

Key Areas for Growth


Synthesizers value individual freedom above all else. They will resist attempts to decrease their ability to express creativity. Synthesizers are likely to feel crushed by rigid rules and timelines.

Poor Planners

Synthesizers tend to live for today and their relaxed view of life means that they may struggle to plan far ahead. This can create problems with finances, at work and in their relationships.

Low Resilience

The intensity of their feelings and need for freedom can lead to high levels of stress for Synthesizers. Additionally, they may be prone to unhelpful emotional outbursts or withdraw if they feel pressurized or criticized.


Synthesizers wear their heart on their sleeve. A Synthesizer views their work and creative output as a personal expression. They also tend to view these as a means to connect with others.  As a result, rejection of any form can feel very personal and can severely damage a Synthesizer’s confidence.

Work Style

At work, Creative Synthesizers look for autonomy to achieve goals and develop the skills they need to do their job well. Synthesizers will tend to feel stressed if they are constrained by rigid policies, processes or tight deadlines.

Although they have a short-term focus, Synthesizers are able to identify novel solutions to get their job done. Synthesizers do not respond well to being closely supervised. In these circumstances, they tend to become stressed and less productive. Some Synthesizers may need to understand that they have to earn autonomy, especially early in their career. Learning about time management, planning and how to communicate progress could help them drive results and get the autonomy they desire.

Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.

Steven Hawking

Synthesizers prefer to work on their own and, given the right goals, will maintain a high level of focus. They take time to explore problems from all angles and to develop any new skills they need to be successful. However, Synthesizers can be side-tracked by exploration and need to take care not to be distracted by their personal goals.

Because they tend to be perfectionists, Synthesizers can lack confidence in their abilities. They may also be highly sensitive to what they perceive as criticism from others. Learning to respond to corrective feedback could help a Synthesizer solve problems and develop new skills more quickly.

Although they are reserved, they want to feel that people appreciate their contributions. A word of thanks goes a long way and builds their confidence and enthusiasm for the task.

Interpersonal Style

In relating to others, Creative Synthesizers tend to be somewhat shy. They are less likely to speak up and may find that continual chat, interaction and teamworking drains their energy.

Synthesizers may find brainstorming or conceptual discussions about future directions boring, preferring to focus on immediate and practical actions.

Synthesizers are willing to help others and are generally supportive unless they feel their personal autonomy or goals are at risk. They will show their support for the team through the actions they take to complete the tasks they have been given. Their relaxed and non-confrontational attitude helps to maintain harmony.

Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.

Helen Keller

A Synthesizer’s emotional reserve can make it difficult for others to get to know them. Additionally, Synthesizers may struggle to speak up for themselves or to promote their own accomplishments. Although they want to feel valued, they may not get the recognition they deserve. Some Synthesizers can benefit by using techniques to let people respectfully know where they stand in order to clarify their position on an issue.

Synthesizers are willing listeners who are empathetic to the emotional and practical needs of others. They are more likely to follow up with action rather than verbal expressions of support. Additionally, a Synthesizer may expect others to adopt the same non-judgmental and empathetic behaviors towards them. A Synthesizer’s kind, supportive and non-confrontational approach means that they are good at building networks and getting others to help them.

Leadership Style

Creative Synthesizers are unlikely to crave authority over others and do not actively seek leadership roles. Despite this, they can be popular managers who give their teams the same freedom that they themselves enjoy. Synthesizers will work as a “first among equals” and encourage a collaborative team environment. When there is dispute or uncertainty, they may struggle to take a stand. Some Synthesizer leaders use techniques to demonstrate concern and face the issue directly to ensure their position is clear.

Synthesizers are adept at picking up new skills on their own, through practice. However, when working with others, they may give minimal direction, expecting others to be sensitive to what they need to do. Learning how to lay out work in a well-planned and organized way to those who have a more concrete style can improve efficiency and reduce rework for some Synthesizer leaders.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

John Adams, 2nd President of the U.S.

Synthesizers are most effective in leadership roles where they are accountable for delivering day-to-day results. If their job requires them to take responsibility for long-term projects, a Synthesizer may need to delegate certain tasks to help them keep on track. Learning how to best translate long-term goals into daily actions can help Synthesizers to better plan and manage tasks and activities. This would help them to use their practical skills to take on bigger and more complex projects.

Synthesizers tend to be conflict averse and will shy away from giving corrective feedback. They will approach the task by listening and trying to understand the root cause of the problem. Their high level of empathy means that they will seek to maintain motivation and harmony. However, a Synthesizer may need to check that they have communicated assertively enough to get their message across. Learning to deliver real-time feedback and coaching with specific behavioral examples can ensure their message is clear and actionable.

Synthesizers will tend to support of changes in organization direction unless their personal autonomy or agenda are at risk. Synthesizers will readily identify the short-term action steps associated with project execution. They will also be good at helping their team through change on a personal level. However, Synthesizers might find the increased level of interactions stressful and need to take time alone to recharge their batteries. Synthesizers may also need help with longer term planning and project management if they are to be effective in driving results and maintaining their energy to lead.

Career Preferences

Creative Synthesizers are some of the world’s most powerful creators and trendsetters.  They crave being able to use their ingenuity to craft their artistic vision. Synthesizers prize creative freedom above all else and seek tangible ways to express themselves. Careers that tap their spontaneity, independence and artistic sensibilities are ideal for them.

Synthesizers are more likely to be successful as freelancers or as entrepreneurs in online businesses. Here they have the freedom to set their own agenda. Synthesizers can put their creative talents to use serving and communicating with customers in a wide range of industries.

I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse.

Florence Nightingale

Synthesizers thrive in the present moment.  They can find it challenging to work on anything which demands long term focus and planning. Careers which require significant conceptual study such as teaching, psychology or counseling may be less attractive to Synthesizers. However, if they are motivated enough to do what it takes, a Synthesizer is likely to be highly effective in these kinds of roles.

Synthesizers are most comfortable in environments that engage their sensibilities. Places that reward flexibility, exploration, improvisation, and aesthetics are likely to be a great fit.  Synthesizers prefer acting in the moment. Organizations that permit people to define how and when to achieve their goals will resonate well with most Synthesizers.

Synthesizers tend not to enjoy working in traditional offices. Jobs which demand routine, compliance, and accountability for results may not be a good fit. Synthesizers may also find busy office environments and continual social interactions emotionally wearing.

Synthesizers are masters of their craft. They are some of the kindest and most compassionate coworkers. A Synthesizer’s artistic sensibility is peerless. Organizations that are able to leverage their key strengths will realize quality in everything they produce.

Growth Areas for Synthesizers

Too often, we leave our growth to random chance. That can be frustrating because we can’t always grow as fast as we want (or need) to! While experience can be a great teacher, there is no substitute for learning proven strategies to maximize our potential.

Creative Synthesizers have tremendous capabilities. They also share some common challenges.  Possible areas for growth for Synthesizers include:

PE-Assertiveness 2 Thin (Orange 400)


Communicate and act with confidence

DR-Delegation 2 (Green 400)


Strengthen your ability to deliver results through others

WO-Giving Feedback 1 (Purple 400)

Giving Feedback

Provide others with insight in a way which helps improve their performance

DR-Planning 2 (Green 400)


Look ahead to accomplish your critical goals more efficiently

DR-Project Management 1 (Green 400)

Project Management

Deliver critical project outcomes on time and on budget​

PE-Resilience 4 (Orange 400)


Be strong and productive in times of stress and uncertainty

WO-Responding to Feedback (Purple 400)

Responding to Feedback

Learn from feedback to strengthen your performance and effectiveness

Notable Synthesizers

Paul McCartney

Recording Artist

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

US First Lady

Ulysses S. Grant

US President

Marilyn Monroe


Wolgang Amadeus Mozart


Monica Belluci


Level up your career.
Live your best life.